ABV 25 Proof 50
Atmospheric Pressure 750ml
Aged 3 Year- Adding new brew
Cacao, toast, nuts
This Shochu has a kind of roasted barley flavor, which amplifies the aroma, more like that of high quality cacao. Full-bodies aroma, rich taste, and lasting after-taste is appreciated by drinkers those who love to drink spirits.
After high-temperature fermentation using Kagoshima yeast No. 2, we add heat to the MOROMI (main fermenting mash) using our original distillation method. This barley shochu is defined by the roast flavor you’d expect from warm toast and the sweet char of cotton candy.
About Yanagita
Yanagita Distillery, nestled in the southern reaches of Japan's Miyazaki prefecture, is renowned for its exceptional shochu production. Since its establishment in 1902, the distillery has been a bastion of traditional craftsmanship. Tadashi Yanagita, the fifth-generation president and a former engineer, infuses the distillery's operations with meticulous precision and a flair for innovation. The distillery's focus is on barley shochu, offering a spectrum of flavor profiles ranging from light and grassy aromatics to the richly toasted and nutty.
14-4 Hayasuzu-cho Miyakonojo-city, Miyazaki 885-0055, JAPAN
Aokage I Miyazaki, Japan