Natsu no Mannen
Natsu no Mannen
Sweet Potato
ABV 20 Proof 40
Atmospheric Pressure 720 ml
Aged 3-6 months in ceramic lined steel horo tanks
A lower ABV shochu specifically made for the hot summer months. Enjoy well chilled over ice or with a splash of soda water.
Floral aromas of lavender and honeysuckle, lightly sweet tropical flavors with a slight touch of caramel.
All sweet potatoes are carefully cultivated by the Watanabe brothers on their family farm and see only a quick cleaning after harvest to leave as much flavor of the soil as possible.
Fermented and distilled by hand using traditional equipment
in ceramic lined steel horo tanks
Where you can buy or taste
267 36th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232 646-460-3765
29 Norman Ave Brooklyn, NY 11222
71 Banker Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222 347-334-6684
About Watanabe Distillery Co., Ltd.
When Koichiro Watanabe took over as the 4th generation of his family to operate Watanabe Shuzo, the young distiller turned to his grandfather for advice. “Don’t worry too much about the dirt” was the answer, regarding the daily cleaning of freshly harvested sweet potatoes where they painstakingly scrubbed and peeled each tuber until it was pristine. “In my day we always left a little in there.” By preserving that little bit of tradition, the literal flavor of the soil is preserved in the distilled shochu, giving it remarkable depth and richness.
2032-1 Tano-cho-Ko Miyazaki City MIyazaki, 889-1701,Japan
Natsu no Mannen I Miyazaki, Japan