Shiro Kirishima
Shiro Kirishima
Sweet Potato
Atmospheric Pressure 750ml
ABV 24 Proof 48
Aged One year
International Wine & Spirits Challenge(2019) silver-prize
International Wine & Spirits Challenge(2018) silver-prize
San Francisco World Spirits Competition(2019)best of Shochu(2019)
International Review of Spirits(2018)silver-prize
A honkaku shochu made using
white koji. Perfect mixed with hot
water, it offers a rich sweet potato
flavor and a gentle aroma.
Wismettac Asian Foods, Inc (NY branch)
602 Washington Avenue Carlstadt, NJ 07072-2902 USA
Wismettac Asian Foods, Inc
About Kirishima Shuzo
Since our establishment, we have always valued the love of the locals, and most importantly shared that love. All ingredients of sake are local, the bounty of nature found here in Southern Kyushu. Our innovative technology has been handed down from person to person and refined with each generation. Local cuisine rich in nature is characterized by traditional tastes and recipes, and is loved by many people. And always, there is pleasure at the table surrounded by family and friends. There is pleasure at the table surrounded by family and friends. We will continue to provide shochu with the goal of making meals more delicious and more enjoyable.
4-28-1 Shimokawahigashi, Miyakonojo-shi, Miyazaki, JAPAN, MIYAZAKI
Shiro Kirishima I Miyazaki, Japan